Generation of Electricity ..................................

Question Number. 1. Thermocouple harnesses are made from the same materials as the thermocouple so that.

Option A. mini junctions are not formed.

Option B. the resistance is not increased beyond limits.

Option C. they will not corrode.

Correct Answer is. mini junctions are not formed.

Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 2. Point A on the armature of the generator shown is producing.

Option A. minimum current.

Option B. zero current.

Option C. maximum current.

Correct Answer is. maximum current.

Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 3. A piezoelectric device generates electricity through.

Option A. friction.

Option B. light.

Option C. pressure.

Correct Answer is. pressure.

Explanation. NIL .................................

.Question Number. 4. A photozoidal cell produces electricity when subjected to.

Option A. light.

Option B. pressure.

Option C. heat.

Correct Answer is. light.

Explanation. NIL. ...

Question Number. 5. A thermocouple indicator is basically a type of.

Option A. millivoltmeter.

Option B. milliammeter.

Option C. milliohmeter.

Correct Answer is. millivoltmeter.

Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 6. A light/heat sensitive cell is a.

Option A. transistor.

Option B. diode.

Option C. transducer

. Correct Answer is. Transducer

Explanation. Any transducer turns one energy type into another energy type. In this case light or heat into electricity ..................................

Question Number. 7. The diagram shows a current carrying conductor (A) in a magnetic field. The conductor will move.

Option A. upwards.

Option B. sideways.

Option C. downwards.

Correct Answer is. downwards.

Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 8. A component that produces an output voltage due to incident light is called a. Option A. liquid crystal

. Option B. solar cell.

Option C. light emitting diode.

Correct Answer is. solar cell. Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 9. The flux density of a magnetic field is 1.5T. The length of the conductor in the field is 2 m and the speed of the conductor is 10 m/s. The EMF induced is.

Option A. 0.3 V. Option B. 7.5 V.

Option C. 30 V.

Correct Answer is. 30 V.

Explanation. EMF = Blv = 1.5 * 2 * 10 = 30V ..................................

Question Number. 10. A conductor is placed in a magnetised coil. What will happen?. ... Option A. Nothing will happen unless the conductor is moved. Option B. The conductor will move. Option C. A force will be created. Correct Answer is. Nothing will happen unless the conductor is moved. Explanation. Faraday's Law ..................................

Question Number. 11. The maximum output voltage from a basic single loop generator is when the loop is.

Option A. rotating anti-clockwise relative to the direction of the magnetic flux.

Option B. cutting maximum lines of magnetic flux.

Option C. at 45o to the magnetic flux.

Correct Answer is. cutting maximum lines of magnetic flux.

Explanation. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin Page 83.


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