Question Number. 11. A volt can be considered to be a.

Option A. unit of electrical power.

Option B ..................................Quantity of electrical energy.

Option C. unit of electrical pressure.

Correct Answer is. unit of electrical pressure.

Explanation. Electrical pressure' is sometimes used instead of voltage, due to its analogy to a head of pressure in fluids ..................................

Question Number. 12. What is 3.25 volts in millivolts?.

Option A. 3,250 millivolts. Option B. 325,000 millivolts.

Option C. 3.25 millivolts.

Correct Answer is. 3,250 millivolts.

Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 13. Electromotive force is measured in.

Option A. Watts. Option B. Ohms. Option C. Volts. Correct Answer is. Volts.

Explanation. EMF is another term for voltage, or potential difference (PD) or electrical pressure, all measured in Volts .................................

.Question Number. 14. Kirchhoff's law states.

Option A. the algebraic sum of all the voltages entering or leaving a series of components will be equal to zero.

Option B. the inverse sum of all the voltages entering or leaving a series of components will be equal to one. ...

Option C. the algebraic sum of all the currents entering or leaving a series of components will be equal to one.

Correct Answer is. the algebraic sum of all the currents entering or leaving a series of components will be equal to one. OR the algebraic sum of all the voltages entering or eaving a series of components will be equal to zero.

Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 15. The basis for transformer operation in the use of alternating current is mutual.

Option A. inductance.

Option B. capacitance.

Option C. reactance.

Correct Answer is. inductance. Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 16. When two coils are linked by a common flux, a voltage can be induced in one by a changing current in the other. This process is known as.

Option A. self induction.

Option B. the magnetic effect.

Option C. mutual induction. Correct Answer is. mutual induction. Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 17. When an electrical supply becomes 'open-circuit'.

Option A. the fuse or circuit breaker should isolate the circuit due to the increased current drawn. Option B. the loss of continuity will prevent its component from functioning.

Option C. the component will operate normally but will not switch off.

Correct Answer is. the loss of continuity will prevent its component from functioning. Explanation. Open circuit means 'no continuity'. Function stops .................................

.Question Number. 18. The S.I. unit of magnetic flux density is the. Option A. Henry.

Option B. Weber.

Option C. Tesla.

Correct Answer is. Tesla.

Explanation. NIL ..................................Question Number. 19. A 1µF capacitor is equivalent to.

Option A. 1,000,000 Farads.

Option B. 0.000,001 Farads.

Option C. 0.001 Farads.

Correct Answer is. 0.000,001 Farads.

Explanation. NIL. ...

Question Number. 20. The opposition offered by a coil to the flow of alternating current is called (disregarding resistance).

Option A. inductive reactance.

Option B. impedance.

Option C. reluctance.

Correct Answer is. inductive reactance. Explanation. NIL ..................................


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