
Showing posts from March, 2021

An air data computer (ADC)

An air data computer (ADC) is an essential avionics component found in modern aircraft.  This computer, rather than individual instruments, can determine the calibrated airspeed , Mach number , altitude , and altitude trend data from an aircraft 's pitot-static system . [1] [2]   In some very high speed aircraft such as the Space Shuttle , equivalent airspeed is calculated instead of calibrated airspeed . Air data computer Air data computers usually also have an input of total air temperature . This enables computation of static air temperature and true airspeed . In Airbus aircraft the air data computer is combined with altitude, heading and navigation sources in a single unit known as the Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU) this has now been replaced by the Global Navigation Air Data Inertial Reference System (GNADIRS).

Why we need to measure oil temperature in aircraft engines?

  Oil Temp Probe In Aircraft And Its Advantages Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Download as PDF Be it a car, truck, bike or a plane, most of us are just content in flying it or driving it.  Not many have so much as seen the engine under the hood or even know what it looks like. And then, there are others who need to not only see but need to feel, to know what each part does and its importance in the entire machine.  <script async src=""></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle"      style="display:block; text-align:center;"      data-ad-layout="in-article"      data-ad-format="fluid"      data-ad-client="ca-pub-3594006331358944"      data-ad-slot="7745808678"></ins> <script>      (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> Today, let us consider the Oil Temp Probes in airc...